Thursday, December 14, 2017

Do you need a little snow? I'll share!!

Mother Nature wasn't teasing this time.  She packed a punch and left us a ton of snow.  This picture was taken at midnight last night and the snow was still coming down.  I'll go out with my ruler and measure how much we got but thank goodness we have a nice warm house and don't have to go out today.  Well, we may go out after the neighbor comes to plow us out.  The road is another matter.  They usually don't come down this country road to clear out the snow very quickly.  For those of you in warm weather, enjoy it.  I'm thinking we're in for a cold, snowy winter this year.

I did get some things done yesterday since I didn't want to get out on the roads in all that mess.  I did wrap some more Christmas presents so I'm close to done now.  I didn't bake any more cookies because I baked all day on Tuesday.  Here are the ones I made that day.  

And, I'm not done yet.  Baking a ton of Christmas cookies is a tradition I'm not ready to drop even at my age.  If you'd like any of these recipes, let me know in the comments section and I'll add them to the recipe tab.

I did get to go in my sewing corner yesterday and finish another of those donation baby quilts, Yeah!!  I needed to get that one done so I can load a friend's quilt and quilt it for her before Christmas.  This is the season for giving and I'm just so happy she's gotten this top done.  It's her 1st quilt ever so finishing it up is so important.  Do you remember your 1st quilt?  I do and I was so proud to get it done and on the bed.  I bet you felt that way, too.  So, I'll push very hard to get her quilt finished for her so she can put it on the bed before the big day.

Have you had a chance to look at the applique tab yet?  I have a lot yet to do on that tutorial but it's a start.  Taking the pictures slows me down, I'm afraid.  I'm going to applique a little flower as I go along with each step.  Join me and let me know if you have any questions so I can answer them in the tutorial.  

And, thanks for coming by to visit.  You're always welcome.  I hope our sharing will help all of us not only improve our quilting skills but also help everyone find a peaceful time enjoying what we love.


  1. That's a lot of snow to me! Says the gal in sunny California with a current temp of 56° and expected high today of 68°. Love all of your cookies. I used to do a lot more baking for family & friends. Maybe I will start making cookies as gifts again. Some day.

  2. I do hope you can make cookies once your life calms down a bit, QNC. They are saying we're going to have a warm up on Sunday. Maybe the snow will disappear. I can hope.
