Monday, December 4, 2017

Busy week here.... How about you?

I had a great time this past weekend teaching the FW Club Classes and working on getting ready for the holidays as well.  This blogging thing is new to me and I'm going to be fiddling with things to change the look or add postings so do stop by often to see what's going on.

At the Club Class, we talked about the FW maintenance classes coming up and I'm still working on getting a date set up to make the FW case cover in a class perhaps in March.   If anyone is interested in applique classes, keep checking in here.  I'm hoping that will happen early in the new year, too.

And, whats happening here this week?  I'm finishing up the Lebkuchen cookies and getting the tree up and decorated in the next day or two.  That baby quilt on the LA needs to be finished so I can work on the lap quilt my sister-in-law brought last week.  Yes, it's a Christmas present so I'd better get moving on that.  I'll try to post some suggestions for applique very soon.  Many people have asked me to help them to learn applique so I'll add some things from time to time.  Stop by to get those tips.  Have a wonderful day and stop by soon.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I can't wait to take the class in January and learn all about my FW!!
