Class Schedule


FW Sew-In Daze -  at the Quilt Patch, Tecumseh, Mi (517-423-0053)

The 4th Saturday of each month  (Do check the Quilt Patch website for any date alterations) (

Bring your FW machine and stuff to sew.  Be prepared to enjoy time together with other FW owners making projects and getting together to share in FW stuff.  Jean will be there when it's possible to answer questions and maybe work on a project as well.  Bring your lunch and be prepared for a fun filled day of relax and sew.  If you remember to remind the staff, you'll qualify for 10% off any non-sale purchases that day as well.

FW  Basic Maintenance Class - at the Quilt Patch, Tecumseh, Mi (517-423-0053) or Quilts at the Marshall House, Marshall, Mi (269-781-9450)

The  Basic FW Maintenance class is an all-day affair where I teach you how to oil, grease and lube your machine.  You can purchase the oil/grease/motor lube kit at the class and we'll have your machine all happy and humming.  You'll also learn how to thread the machine.  I'll set your bobbin tension to the correct spot and you'll be ready to sew up a storm.  There is a class maximum for the FW Maintenance Class of 12 students.  Get your name on the list early.

Call the Quilt Patch (517-423-0053) to be put on the class list, or visit the website,

Saturday, January 11, 2025

PART 1-    First, we will be cleaning the Featherweight Sewing Machine. You will need to bring to class:
-          Your Featherweight  machine
-          An apron
-          A light to see into the machine
-          An old hand towel to lay the machine on
-          A small bowl or box lid to hold parts so they don’t get lost
-          Screwdrivers (slot) and a pair of pliers
-          Tweezers
-          Wooden tooth picks
-          A couple of cleaning cloths (flannel or t-shirt rags work well)
-          An old toothbrush that you’ll never use again.

Bring your lunch to eat between Part 1 and 2 of class

Part 2- Next we will be Threading and Adjusting your Featherweight .  So bring these things as well:
-          Thread
-          Sewing machine needles
-          Make sure you have a bobbin to wind and your bobbin case
-          Scraps of fabric for testing stitches, approximately 8” x 8”

2023 FW   Advanced Maintenance Class   - at the Quilt Patch, Tecumseh, Mi (517-423-0053)

The Advanced FW Maintenance class is an all-day affair where you will take the upper tension apart, clean it and put it back together.  You'll learn how to remove a stray thread from the bobbin assembly, and you'll learn how to adjust the belt for optimum efficiency.  If time allows, additional questions will be addressed.  The maximum for this class is 6.

Call the Quilt Patch to be put on the class list, or visit the website,

Class dates to be posted soon.

All maintenance classes run from 10am to 3pm

Bring the same things to the advanced class that are listed for the Basic maintenance class.


2024/2025  FW   Retreat/ Workshops     

At this time, there will be 2 retreats in March and 2 retreats in August of 2025 held in Marshall, Michigan.  Go over to the Retreat page to get more information 

Send me an email at if you would like to get more information about the retreat/workshops planned for 2025. Get your name on the waiting list first so if any cancellations occur, and they often do, you'll be the first one I'll contact to fill in that slot.

2024 Speaking Engagements   

I would love to speak with your quilting group or line up a maintenance class.  Contact me for more information.


  1. Jean welcome back to SE Mi.!! For the first club class what do we need to bring? Thanx Bev

  2. Thanks, Bev. It's good to be back. I've listed the items to bring in the class schedule post about the Club Class coming up. I can't wait to see everyone.


  3. So glad to finally be able to come to club on Nov 1. And maybe even get my stop motion knob fixed

  4. I'm getting excited to see everyone. Do come a little early so I can look at that stop motion knob.

  5. missed you on Friday, hope to see you Sunday

  6. Jean, I would like more information on the August 12 - 15 retreat please. Debbie

    1. Hi, Debbie. I don't know exactly what you'd like to know about the August 12-15 retreat. Send me an email at and I'll try to give you any information you'd like to have. Hope to hear from you soon.

  7. How much do you need for the deposit for the August 12-15 retreat and where do I find the information sheet to fill out and send with my check.

  8. Jean I am interested in the August 11th 2022 reteat

  9. I would be able to come on Wednesday also

  10. I love getting comments from everyone and answering questions you might have as well. But, when your name is 'Unknown', it's really hard for me to personalize my answers. So, send me an email and include your name to be put on the waiting list for the retreats coming up. Thanks so much, all. I hope this helps.

  11. Jean, I am sorry, I sent in my interest for August 11th retreat when we were at retreat,but did not realize my name did not come through. Please put me on the list thank-you Debbie Cornprobst
