Sunday, December 10, 2017

Mother Nature decided to give us a Christmas picture yesterday with about an inch of the white stuff.  My quilting friends down under tell me it's an especially hot Christmas season for them this year but that seems so strange since the winter white is the norm here in Michigan.

How are you all doing with getting ready for the big day?  I'm still baking cookies and have started wrapping presents but I'm always reminded that Christmas is not just about us.  I always think of those that have a difficult time about now.  All the stories we watch or pretty pictures we look at seem to show a holiday filled with cheer and delight.  But that's not always the case.  It makes me sad to think of those feeling helpless and having no one to lend a helping hand. I'm not rich and can't solve everyone's problems but I can be a listening ear.  I can do one small thing each day that will lighten the load that someone is experiencing at the moment. Maybe I can put a smile on someone's face.

For me, that one small thing is to work with a wonderful group of ladies that make pillow cases that get used at our local hospital to cheer the children that are sick.  And I also help another group of angels that make preemie quilts for the nicu unit at that same hospital.  I finished quilting another little quilt last night and will put the binding on today.  It's a busy holiday season but there will be kids needing a smile in their day as they recover from some illness they don't deserve or a frightened family with a tiny baby that hopefully will feel a bit of love by that quilt on their baby's isolette.  Maybe my skills of making something for someone in need can help.  I like to think that.

I do wish blogs allowed more sharing but you can post a comment if you so choose.  Three weeks
till Christmas eve.  Let's keep those less fortunate in our minds this year.  Do one small thing that will put a smile on someone's face.  You'll find the time.  After all, Christmas is a giving time.


  1. I'm excited about your new blog!

  2. This morning I had a chance to browse your entire blog on the computer instead of my phone. And I'm even more excited! Bookmarking it so I can check back in.

    1. Thanks, QNC. Do stop by often. It's a busy time to be starting a blog but I'm having fun and hope to pass along lots of tips here and there.
