Saturday, May 26, 2018

Happy Holiday this Weekend!!

Those that know me are aware that I move twice a year and this past couple of weeks we were so busy with the Spring move.  But, we're here and it is so nice to be back  home in the Northwoods looking out over the lake and listening to the birds outside my window.   We were supposed to have company this holiday weekend but unfortunately that got postponed so the Big Guy and I are getting little things done around the yard and trying to relax a little more than usual.  I need a little relax time to get my creative juices flowing again.  When I'm so busy I can't think up wonderful things to do or tell you about.

This is the Memorial day weekend with parades and picnics and folks getting together.  I do hope that's the case for you and your family.  It's a time to remember those that have fought and put their lives on the line so we can live in this great country.  We probably all have someone close to us that gave his or her life protecting our way of life.  Honor them with a flag in the wind and a prayer of thanks on our lips.

I told many of you at the last FW Club Class that I'd be working on a paper pieced elephant quilt by Violet Craft this summer.  It's the pattern my dear Grandson and his bride to be picked for their wedding quilt so I've been busy the last couple of days starting to get the fabric ready, the templates stitched with holes for the paper piecing and the chart of what fabric goes where.  I think it's organization that will keep me 'on track' with this quilt.  But,  I hope you will follow along with me as I work on this one.  I'll try to post pictures so you can see how it's coming.  It's going to be a paper piecing tutorial so if you've not done PP, you'll learn some tips that I tell people when I teach PP classes.

So, I'll go watch a ball game with my hubby and then work a bit on some quilting.  I hope your holiday is a pretty one filled with all things good.

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