Thursday, April 9, 2020

How's everyone doing out there?

This past Sunday and tomorrow would have been our FW Club Class for the month of April.  That nasty virus thing caused more cancellations and most of us are sitting at home whether working or being retired.  And, I know many are a bit stir crazy wishing they could get out, see family or friends, and just get back at life.  While some feel like they are in a prison, others are just using this time to get some things done.  I'm trying to be the second kind.

We're adjusting to the new normal at our house, too.  But, we're dealing with something we never thought we'd have to be living through.  Annual blood tests and a weight loss with no effort brought a bit of a scary diagnosis for my husband.  His non threatening non hodgkins lymphoma of 20 years decided to get aggressive and the dreaded big "C" word came out of the dr's mouth.  After a pet scan and a bone marrow biopsy, the plan was revealed.  He's started his infusions and will be having one each week for 3 more weeks. 

While I intended to keep up with posting here, our family needs came first.  And, I don't know how all this will play out.  The governor will tell us tonight how long the 'stay in place' order will be in effect.  But, under the circumstances my commitments may change.  I will keep you all posted as we learn more.  And, the FWs that I have for repair are done now.  We'll figure out how and when those will be brought back to their owners.  They like being at my house getting fixed but then they want to go back home.

I mentioned at our March FW Club Class that I got 7 vintage quilt tops from my husband's cousin that need to be quilted.  So, I'm working on those during this time at home.  I finished one last week and here are a couple of  pictures of it.

There is another top just like the one I finished so that will be next.  Here are pictures of the other 5 vintage quilts.  These are all hand pieced but very well done.  If you have any suggestions on how to quilt them, let me know. That is always a challenge for me.

And I hear that many of you are working on medical masks.  That's so awesome.  Keep it up.  Everyone should be wearing a mask when going outside.  You can get patterns over on the forum that I started for us to chat.  People haven't been doing that but I hope you all will start chatting.  It's a good place to connect with each other when you can't get together face to face.

So, let's all stay in place, wear our masks, and keep in touch.  I'm so glad your little FWs are ready and willing to help you through this difficult time.  Thanks to all that have been keeping in touch.  I miss you all so much!


  1. Hi Jean, will keep you and your husband in my prayers. Will pray for a speedy recovery. Take Care. Blessed Easter to you and your family

  2. Prayers are always appreciated, Dolores. You have a Blessed Easter as well. Stay safe and stay strong.


  3. I miss seeing everyone and learning new FW tips, tricks, maintenance, how to's for feet that I am not that familiar with yet and patterns to accessorize our machines with. We are staying at home. We are Only going out for groceries and meds. I have made a few masks. I plan to make more to donate to the local pharmacy, emt's, police depts, and Drs offices. I just got more elastic to work with in the mail today so I can get back at making the masks. I do have some hemming to do that I have been putting off that I need to tackle and get out of the way. I am hoping that we can see each other in May. I am saying extra prayers for you Jean and Mike for a complete healing. Jean I have forgotten the forum name? Please remind me so that I can play there too.
