Friday, July 26, 2019

Next stop... August!

The summer does fly by doesn't it?  Next week will be August already and that means, RETREATS!!  I'm almost ready.  I can't show you the favors I've been making so I'll show you the applique blocks I've been working on.  But, about the retreat, I sent out the final retreat update info last night.  If you are a retreater and you have questions, please send me an email:

There is 1, possibly 2 spaces available for the August 15-18 retreat so if you'd like to join in there is still time.  If you can't join us, you'll just miss a lot of fun.  I will be sure to post some of the ladies and the things we do during the two retreats once I get back home.

Other than scrappy quilts and retreat favors, I've been working on an old UFO this summer as well.  I started this quilt 5 years ago knowing that it would take me a long time to finish it.  But, I didn't realize at the time that I'd start teaching all the FW classes or that I'd start hosting the FW retreats.  Anyway, I haven't worked on this one for a couple of years.  But, if I ever get it done, I have to work on it so this summer I'm getting back to it.  I hand stitch every night while the Big Guy and I watch the Detroit Tigers lose another game or we find a good mystery movie to watch. And here are 4 blocks that I've gotten finished so far.

The quilt, The Little Brown Bird, has 40 of these blocks and I'm done with 23 of them.  It also has appliqued corner triangles.  I'm done with those.  And, the borders are full of applique, too.  I'm more than half done with the borders.  I'm looking forward to starting to put these all together to make this quilt.  No, it won't be done this year.  But I'm hoping it will be a lot closer to done.

So, you all go have a good sewing day doing whatever is on your pile of things to do.  I'll finish up my retreat stuff and keep working on the LBB.  I'll come back soon and give you yet another update on what's going on at the Dalton gang's  hideout.


  1. The Little Brown Bird is coming along nice. I still have projects of my own that are not completed. Looking forward to your return with retreat and class time.

  2. Thanks, Scrappy. I'm getting so excited for our retreat and all the fun we'll have. Maybe I'll bring a little bit of LBB to work on.
