Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Welcome to Summer

Hello, Summer with your warm days and sunshine.  Welcome to fishing on the lake and sewing in my corner overlooking the water.  I'm so happy to have the  hummingbirds, goldfinches and robins at the bird feeders.  Welcome mosquitoes and black flies.  Wait!!  I'm getting carried away here.  The mosquitoes and black flies can fly away any time.  I'm tired of them already and they've barely begun.

The UP has so much beauty but the bugs aren't one of them.  But, we do have cans of OFF in every room of the house and garage.  There's a can in each of the vehicles and the boat.  When you live in the woods, OFF is the perfume of choice.  That's just the way it is.

We've been here a little over 2 weeks and it feels like home again.  It's a lot of work getting everything unloaded, unpacked, and put away.  We got the dock put out and the boat in the water but as always, there are things that need work now that we're here.  We pulled the boat back out of the water because the onboard trickle charger isn't working correctly.  We'll have that up and running again soon because those bluegill tasted pretty good that we caught the other day.  Fish from a clear water lake are really pretty good.

And, I've been sewing like a crazy woman.  I always bring things to work on and this summer I downsized a bit.  I brought my Little Brown Bird quilt to work on.  It's number 1 on my UFO list.  And, I brought some scraps to make a few preemie quilts for donating this winter after I get them quilted.  Here's what I've accomplished so far.

This one is a scrappy quilt that I made from a bag of 2 1/2" squares that my neighbor up here gave me last summer.  There are some vintage fabrics and I used up one of the grey fabrics from the elephant quilt, too.  I am trying to use up a bunch of fabrics I have this summer to reduce my stash. I already had all those scrappy blocks put together when I came up this year.  I used them for my leaders and enders while I was making the elephant quilt last summer.

This one is a preemie, again made from a bag of scraps that my neighbor gave me last summer.  I don't remember the quilt she made using the instrument fabric but there were just enough of those pieces left to make this one.  Yup, I used up more red scraps from my own stash.

This one is a UFO that I've had on my pile for about 3 years.  I'm calling it my Easter quilt and I just needed to embroider the eggs with Easter stripes or other designs.  I just couldn't find the time to finish it up this winter even though I wanted to have it done for Easter this year.  Maybe I can get it finished for next year. It's ready for quilting now.

And, I'm getting excited to go to Idaho to the Featherweight shop for my additional training on FW repair.  I leave a week from today and when I get back, I know I'll have a ton of things to tell all of you about our precious FWs.

Yes, I'm going to take pictures and it will be time for our biannual  spa day for our FWs when I get back as well.

I hope you all are having a great summer so far.  I love to hear from you when you get a chance.  I'll report back in a couple of weeks.  Till then, quilt away!

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