Friday, September 7, 2018

Progress on the Elephant Quilt

Good morning!  I bet you think I've forgotten all about that elephant quilt.  I haven't mentioned it in ages because we've had a busy summer with company and more company.  Then, I taught a FW maintenance class and went back down state for the retreat.  I still have company coming but I've had a chance to get back to sewing and I thought you might like to see how I'm doing.

I got all the 97 templates finished and started sewing together the sections.  There's the left elephant ear.

The right elephant ear.

The left and right legs.

The trunk.

And, last, but not least, the elephant's feet.  And, that's it!!

 Now, the next step is to sew these big sections together and start thinking about the borders that have to go around this huge pachyderm.  I haven't sewn them yet but laying them out helps you to see how it will look when it's done. I guess I'd better go get busy!

Stop by again soon.  I hope to get more pictures and let you see more progress.  I'll take the top home to do the quilting on my long arm when we go back downstate next month.  That's another whole event when I do that.

And, for those interested in the FW retreats next year.  The February retreat is now full but I'm accepting names for the waiting list.  There are a few more spaces available for the August retreat.  There's more teaching in me..... and you know I love teaching about the FWs.

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