For some time now, many of you have been asking me to figure out how to set up my blog so you'd get an email when I publish a new post. Well, I might have figured it out and I'd like you to try this to see if it works for you. Email me if you aren't getting a notification of new posts after you've signed up to follow by email.
Look over on the right side of this post and you'll see a box that says, Follow by Email. If you'll type your email address in that space and click on 'submit', I think you'll be able to get my posts by email when I publish a new one.
I don't think you'll get email notifications when I change something in my class schedule list or my recipies list, etc. But I'll try to post when I change something that you need to see. So, try this, okay? And let me know if it's working for you. Whew! It's been a difficult thing for me to figure this out. I think I must be getting old.
Now go have a great day.